P.S. Notes has been updated

P.S. Notes isn’t the only thing that has been updated, either! DayJournal, DayTasks, and P.S. Notes have all been updated. Here are the notes about what’s new.

DayTasks, DayJournal, and P.S. Notes have been updated to use the HeaderBar so they look better and sleeker on your desktop. DayJournal has also been improved to import journal entries made on Blip Journal for iPhone.

Updates To P.S. Notes.

.txt or .md

P.S. Notes now has an option to work with .md files as opposed to .txt files. You can work with one or the other at any given time.

Write Mode

There’s also a new Write Mode you can toggle from the settings menu or by hitting Ctrl-w. In Write Mode, the notes list will hide and the text will perfectly align itself so you can focus on writing. Take a look:

Screenshot from 2016-03-15 23:11:14
Write Mode in P.S. Notes.

The width of your text is perfectly preserved when switching in and out of Write Mode. Try making the notes list wider or the window larger before going into Write Mode to find the best setup for you. P.S. Notes remembers how you like it the next time you open it. Try it out now by installing from the PPA!

Add more details to your todo.txt tasks – Update to DayTasks

An update to DayTasks now supports having line breaks in tasks. You can add all the details you want to any of your tasks and DayTasks makes it easy. Behind the scenes it saves your tasks in one line in the todo.txt file so it will always be compatible when using your todo.txt file from another app or device.

You can use Shift+Enter to add a line break to a task, or try out the Easy Line Breaks option to allow line breaks naturally when editing a task with just hitting Enter. If you turn this on, use Shift+Enter or Ctrl+Enter to save or update a task.

You can try out this update from the beta versions in the PPA now. See details on how to install on the DayTasks page.

Update to DayJournal – Plain text, future-proof journal for Ubuntu – Import from Day One

DayJournal Icon

Originally posted at https://dayone.me/2B1zGZ 

I created DayJournal for Ubuntu after being frustrated with the lack of future-proof solutions there were for keeping a digital journal. DayJournal is designed to save a journal exactly how I would if I was manually creating a journal with plain text files. Entries are saved in an intuitive way behind the scenes, and that is how it is different and why it exists. When you use DayJournal, it means your journal is safe and accessible even when you don’t have DayJournal, unlike other journal apps. Now my journal will outlive the tool I use. DayJournal might die, but my journal will not.

In November 2013, thanks to Progvember, I was encouraged to create a simple mobile counterpart to DayJournal. My idea was to create a simple way to add to my journal when I was away from the desktop. Out came Blip Journal for Android. Blip Journal is designed in a way that encourages quick, short, status-like entries, but also makes writing longer entries comfortable. I was surprised at how natural it was to be able to add to my journal from my phone. This ability quickly became something I needed in a digital journaling tool.

Recent updates to Blip Journal added the ability to add picture entries in addition to text entries. Both DayJournal and Blip Journal can also create an HTML archive of your journal, designed to print from Google Chrome on the desktop, so you can keep a physical copy of your journal as well.

Blip Journal works as a stand-alone journal by itself, but at its heart is meant to work as a companion to DayJournal on the desktop. Entries from Blip Journal can be synced through Dropbox or Ubuntu One, and DayJournal automatically imports these entries. This led to a welcome update to DayJournal that allows for adding any number of pictures to a day’s entry. So any pictures I add to Blip Journal will automatically import into DayJournal as well. All this happens naturally and behind the scenes, so when I open up DayJournal later, this entry will automatically be there…

Oh, did you notice I’m writing this entry in Day One on iOS? DayJournal automatically imports from Day One, too, when syncing Day One entries to Dropbox. This feature is available to try in a beta version of DayJournal available via the testing PPA. Seehttps://burnsoftware.wordpress.com/dayjournal/ for details on installing and more.

I got an iPhone in hopes of developing a Blip Journal app for iOS, but when there’s something like Day One, why not encourage DayJournal users to use the greatest app they can to add to their journal from their mobile device?

Creating future-proof, plain text journal entries from the greatest mobile journaling app? I’m signed up. Are you?

Add Pictures to DayJournal Entries

As of today, you can add pictures to entries in DayJournal! Get the update now and try it out. When you add a picture, a copy of it will be saved into your journal files, and when you create printable archive files, the pictures will show up as expected. All the while keeping the plain text, future-proof spirit of DayJournal.

If you have any issues, please contact me right away.

A picture, in DayJournal!

A Digital Daily Prayer Journal

Using note cards to keep track of things you are praying for really struck me as a great idea. In the book A Praying Life, author Paul Miller explains how he uses this as a way to keep his prayer life on track. Take a look at this post for a quick overview of what the book has to say and another great example on how to use note cards. It didn’t take me long to realize that P.S. Notes is a perfect way to keep track of your prayer “cards” in a digital way.

The idea of keeping a prayer journal is also one that I really connect with as well. A way to record and look back through time at the needs we have and how they have been met, the things we worry about and how that changes–that’s something I want. And, if I wanted to do something like that digitally, I would find DayJournal a perfect fit. It’s a simple daily way to sit down and write what I’m thinking and praying.

Since it seems that using P.S. Notes alongside DayJournal is a great solution to turn your computer into a way to keep a digital prayer notebook, I am excited to mash the two together and create something new called Devotion Prayer Journal. You can try a proof-of-concept version of it now by downloading the executable file here (64bit Ubuntu).